Grave Sweats

Thanks to Elzabi
Gothiness: 8 Sweatiness: 6

Elzabi writes "This photo may not look particularly sweaty, but a friend accidentally planned a goth-graveyard-picnic on the hottest day of last summer. I learned a valuable lesson that day which I would like to share with your readers: don't wear a corset in hot weather, breathing is necessary even if you think you're undead."


Lucy Leadskin said...

YES! AVOID corsetry in hot weather! I nearly went to hospital last fall due to corset + 100 degree weather. Heat exhaustion is not as much fun as everyone thinks...

Anonymous said...

been goth, corseted and in the tropics for 20 years. never had a problem.

sgath92 said...

I've never had a problem either. I suspect it might be harder for some people who tight laces infrequently because they'd be less used to it.

Creative Commons License Goths in Hot Weather by Tom Lenham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. Based on a work at All other territories © Tom Lenham, all rights reserved.