Gothiness: 7 Jaffa Cake-ness: 8
Alethea writes "My husband was enchanted by my making an appearance on the site, but this heady feeling of love soon turned to envy. As you can see, he has turned his back forever on such mundane pleasures as swimming pools and gardening, preferring the cold comfort of shadow. Together we wallow in unrelenting angst. Actually, he just threatened that if I didn’t sub a picture of him, he’d write poetry at me and put Clan of Xymox on repeat all night." I see your Darker Half still finds time to bathe in carrot juice though, Alethea. Too much time under the rays of the Daystar, clearly.
On another note, this represents the first bespoke modelled shot for GIHW - hooray! more of the same please, chums.