Mora's Beach Party

Gothiness: Off the scale Sweatiness: 7
All right, maybe more psychobilly / horror rock / something I'm too old to have heard of than Goth, but definitely trippy. And check out the wheels! Prizes for anyone who can tell me what the fuck the plot is about.


Anonymous said...

Coffin Cases are awesome. When I found out they make a purse, I had to have one.

I can't figure out what the plot is, either.

BlackRose said...

Does it need a plot?

Anonymous said...

Grand Guignol meets Duane Eddy meets Electric 6 meets Richard O'Brien.

What's not to like?!

Unknown said...

Plot? PLOT?!!??! We don't need no STINkIN" PLOT!!!!

As for the music, I'd call it "Surf-A-Billy" meets "Queasy-Listening".

Anonymous said...

Ha! Not to spoil your fun, but it was actually cold that day. I was wearing a coat in between takes.

Anonymous said...

Obviously a goth passed out on acid while watching Elvira and had just finished reading edgar allen poe.

Anonymous said...

I love the fog, or probably smog -- perfect.

Creative Commons License Goths in Hot Weather by Tom Lenham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. Based on a work at All other territories © Tom Lenham, all rights reserved.