Gothiness: 8 Sweatiness: 9
Make no mistake, mortal. These Dark Food Junkies aren't here for the quarterpounder - it's the ribs they want. YOURS! Yes, vanillas, tremble in fear as the proud MiseryGoths feast on your despair. Wisely, they're just in the shadow, away from the harm of the Daystar - but watch that one in the middle, she's got her eye on your chips! Note the futile attempts from other diners to look nonchalant whilst quaking in their flip-flops. Extra points awarded for the overload of makeup and straight-backed corsetry.
This has got to be my favourite!
I love them they're so darn cute...although the bloke in the background spoils the effect...and what's he doing with his ear...maybe contacting some space-ship-control... to say he's found some more fugitives from his planet?
I wonder who they were posing for?
That is the Oporto portugese chicken shop on enmore rd, Newtown, Sydney, Australia.
Newtown is home to a variety of distinct individuals
Nothing scares this prince of darkness.. Not even full-calorie soda..
This is in Newtown, Sydney, "the gothic mile" as some of the shop keepers call it.
I help run a goth festival in the area http://www.underthebluemoon.org.au/ we like to cook ourselfes in Australia.
The girl on the left is lovely. The guy in corpsepaint needs for someone to have a little come-to-Jesus talk with him. Corpsepaint is NOT GOTHIC.
Perhaps he is just a dedicated Black Metal fan, and is out with his two lovely lady Goth friends. Being a Black Metal fan myself (though I'm not one for corpse paint) the "come-to-Jesus talk would be the WORST thing to say.
Whose to say metal-heads and goths can't co-exist? Newtown of all places can accept that!
The long-haired hottie does have the Jesus look about him -and is drawing the outcasts to himself too.
Wonder what was on their minds?
As I love all my gothfolk, I must ask; Was blue the only 'norm' color they allowed themselves that day? Is there a color system per diem?
I also agree to the point if she was not able to attend the shift she could have called up.
....this is ridiculous....seriously, almost as bad as the 80's with the hair metal peeps....
I wish life was like this, props for them going out like this!!!
Saw this on Buzzfeed -classic!
This photo keeps turning up, it's great :)
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