Gothiness: 6 Sweatiness: 7
Imagine being 4 years old, happily building a sandcastle and paddling in the sea whilst your parents try to get a tan and keep an eye on you at the same time. You don't have a care in the world, and you've never even heard about vampires, let alone seen a Bela Lugosi film. There you are, standing up to admire your 5-bucket sandcastle achievement; you glance up, and see these guys coming at you. You'd fucking shit yourself.
lol I wasn't that wussy of a 5 year old! Their clothes look normally styled but are just black. We're not talking clubbing apparel like serious Liberty Spike hair, huge platform boots of doom, etc.
If I saw a *shark* coming at me then I would shit myself. :P
Face it: being a a goth in summer FUCKIG SUCKS!
I LOVE your blog! Being quite heavily into the scene myself (can you say "I run a goth forum?") I find this so amusing. On a sidenote, I also run a gothic fashion blog (http://www.kohlblog.net) and you are free to use some of my pics in the post "Arvika fashion" of you want to! Just let me know, and add a link to Kohl. Keep up the awesomely funny work :D
Thanks Michae:) Check out Michae's blog chums, it's got some corkers on it, plus a whole load of gorgeous people who can't qualify here...
These posts just tickle me *ahem* pink.
But really, you've got to be dedicated if you won't even give it for the beach.
The Horror Show
clearly these kids are going for punk, not goth.
it's all the same to me baby!
I'm weirded out, just a little more than I should be... I'm leaving now...
I admit I am still a goth. I don't think it will phase out any time soon. Funny story about small kids though, when I was in 10th grade (feels like eons ago) I remember standing outside a movie theater waiting for a friend. I saw two little girls, maybe 6-8 years old, and I smiled at them. It was a NICE smile, nothing scary, but they were clinging to each other for dear life and looked terrified. I found it both sad and amusing...
My 5 year old would look up smile and tell them to piss off. But she is a TRUE terror. And The ONLY think that would make her shit herself in fear is a tickle me elmo. Let's face it....THAT is fucked up.
Anonymous, perhaps they're throwbacks to the time before The Great Schizm, ya know, The Age of Siouxsie? (or was it the age of aqua-net white?) Anyhoo, used to be the same thing is the ridiculously obtuse point I'm making.
Speaking of scaring children (this is sort of related) my very psychobilly friend and I dressed up as zombies to go see Zombieland the first day it opened... all the preteen girls at the mall ran from us. And we got free fudge samples from some nice people working at a candy store.
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