Gothiness: 8 Sweatiness: 10
Lord a'mighty, feel his temperature rise! This crazy Kat has chosen to do an impersonation of Keanu Reeves in the middle of a desert. That's wrong on many levels. Note the classic 'Jesus' pose favoured by many a full-length Goth, accentuating their sacrifice - they have suffered so that we may giggle.
You should see how hot he is in person!
I think he's almost got the Pinhead from Hellraiser outfit going on. Damn, he's got to be sweating!
That's more of a Cenobite (Hellraiser) outfit than a Matrix one, I think.
Nice photo, quite nice looking model, interesting skirt. But, is that brown trainers that I spot!?
Nah those are boots, just covered in dust from the desert.
He's sooo drop dead gorgeous :D
I actually either met him, or someone dressed similar as him last (2008) burning man. I asked if he was hot, he said he wasn't, and he was use to it. I on the other hand, melted into a puddle of fleshy ooze every day at mid day from the heat.
yum minus the outfit
This is more like Omar Sharif in Lawrence Of Arabia then Reeves in Matrix(minus the mustache)...
That's Justin Timberlake.
Holy crap! I know that guy!
Yes, Kat is that hot in person. No, he doesn't sweat.
Hot wasn't where I was going with it. The first thing to come to my mind was "douche goth".
What majesty. I went to Giza...it was a transporting experience. Now, looking at this pic, I know what that dessicated black husk at the foot of the pyramid was...(goth missing the point...its not about you).
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