Today is International Goth Day! Who made that one up? Whoever it was, she or he is a certified GENIUS. To celebrate this occasion, I urge to head over to the wonderful goth.net and join the archetypal Goth discussion: 'Who is your favourite tragic hero?'
If you can't be arsed to click the link, I give you a sample:
"I imagine Cassandra , the slave-girl, the unwilling harbinger of doom, tearing her lovely hair in agony that I completely understand when the curse of the House of Atreus was coming down upon the land, and murder was taking place inside the palace she could not enter, and no one would listen; I do SO understand..."
Your blog absolutely fascinates me. I've found myself returning to it repeatedly, trying to wrap my brain around these people's reality, and have even devoted a post on my blog to it (http://www.solaceatcripplecreek.com/?p=517). Thanks for expanding my universe!
She is stunning! Wow, really. Beautiful.
the automatic goth poetry creator on there is not to be missed...;)great site...a tribute to beautiful irony
ARGH! The Victorians are a scrouge upon the Earth!
From whence do the come?
I dont ever remember Uncle Bob dressed as a chimey sweep saying "God Save Ol'Queen Vic!".
You should also have Goths in the Rain..which is a frequent feature of Whitby...the laugh is, this lot look like a boat load of drowned extras from Dracula, and the rest of us can just pop home and change our Mission t-shirts and black jeans.
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