
the Goths on the bus go down down down

Thanks to Jaimz Asmundson

Goths! On The Bus! from Jaimz Asmundson on Vimeo.

Gothiness: 6 Sweatiness: 8

Jaimz here has channelled Bela Lugosi to great effect - a simple tale of two DoucheGoths on their way to the mall (or 'shops' as I like to call them), but the subtext! Oh the subtext! Pain, suffering, eternal damnation wrapped in velvety angst. I am Goth; Hear me Roar.


  1. Haha! So funny! only in Winnipeg.

  2. Funny. Made me laugh. I thought goths made a point of only shopping in the internet though...

  3. Ah hahahha! Clown makeup is so lame for a goth look. That was so bad, I found a bat in my boxershorts!
    Douche-goths indeed.
    A little bit cringeworthy, mall? why hang out there boooooring.

  4. quite funny
    but i liked the blonde guy in the bg more...
    lol there he was smoking reading and brooding away at the bus-stop,looking 'gothlier -than- thou' while the girl danced


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