
Karen O is a Goth

As if you needed convincing, feast your eyes on the Yeah Yeah Yeahs 'Skeletons' - they came up with the idea for this video while they were checking out GiHW, trust me :)


  1. great video! (mostly shot at Hollywood Forever Cemetary - here in the home of the hot & sunny goth)
    never a fan of the band - they irk me. (i'm quite and irkable person, really)they must have been checking out GIHW and listening to cocteau twins.

  2. Methinks someone's been watching 1920s Surrealist movies...

  3. See, now you see gothiness in that, and from bellydancing (even though I've dabbled in the tamer side of goffiness for some years now), I just see Wings of Isis. (The flappy things she was waving around as a ghost or somesuch- over what I think was water.) Nice choice, though. :)

  4. Nick Zinner is a goth, too. I saw him walking around at a hot summer music festival, wearing all black, pants, long sleeved, crazy haired, and looking like the 3rd member of Alien Sex Fiend. Not a bad thing.


Thanks for your comment Goth lover!