
Sauna Suffering

Thanks to Åsa Jungar

Gothiness: 7 Sweatiness: 8
Sweden: home of the six foot blonde, and birthplace of the sauna. Odd, then, to see a bunch of Goths in a circle wearing Full Leather Jackets and chanting Wicca incantations. Well done to Asa and friends for showing such distain for the Daystar and risking sweaty oblivion, just so we can watch them prancing like tits. That Summer Solstice has a lot to answer for!
Edit: I've made a terrible error! I'm informed that Finland is the birthplace of the sauna. No matter, I'm sure those 6ft blonded Swedish types enjoy saunas as well. There's an image.


  1. add: we were very drunk when we did that!

  2. Is this what goths do with their time? Or is it just Swedes?

  3. Oh hai!
    I'm one of the people in the video, and I can tell you that some of us in the video, only girls lol (the rest are friends of us), are board members in the assembly Stockholms Gothsällskap (which means Stockholms Goth Society), and we decided to celebrate the swedish feast Midsommar (Midsummer) in a park in Stockholm. We had a lots of fun, as we always have!
    /Lisa, board member of

  4. Don't you think International Ponys "Gothic Girl" should be the hymn of your blog?

  5. Hm. "Birthplace of the sauna" ... not. Turkey would be the country (I think) where the sauna was born. When speaking scandinavia, Finland is the sauna country. Not Sweden. :) Still nice tho. Hälsningar ti sverige från en finlandssvensk!

  6. If my tits start prancing, I'll know someone has put some "vitamin A" in my coffee. Normally, they just sit on my chest all decorative-like. :P

  7. now I'm sober, well.. the birthplace of the sauna is our neighbor, Finland!

  8. Also they are singing "små grodorna", a childhood song and dance that all swedes know and not chanting wicca incantations.

  9. Um, way too happy for goths. I know midsummer is a very long day, but surely the innate gothness in these people should protect from laughter and joyous dancing?! I reckon this crew should have their Gothcards revoked.

    P.S. Lots of Swedes have saunas. I reckon it'd be interesting to put a leather-bound goth into one...

  10. So they were...blessing their big box o' wine, then?

  11. Who invited the random Non-Goth in jeans?!


Thanks for your comment Goth lover!