
Shot 18

Thanks again to Jenivere Stunt

Gothiness: 9  Sweatiness: 9
Jenivere comes up trumps once again with the extreme FMB / facepaint combo.  Not sure why she's holding a FUCKING GUN but I'm pretty certain the 'why the fuck are you making me do this' look she's giving the camera explains a lot.  Did I mention that she's holding a FUCKING GUN?


  1. Gun's part of a costume. She's Domino from the X-Men.

  2. Not sure this is so goth. In fact, probably more geek than goth. This is cosplay of Domino, a character from the X-men comics. She gets lucky with guns...

  3. I would kill for those boots. Otherwise...

  4. Spot on guys, Domino I was :) and bloody boiling too! Love my boots, but after a few minutes in hot sunshine the layers of PVC involved turned me into a walking oven. :s


Thanks for your comment Goth lover!