
Tin Hat Time

Thanks to Amy Kingsmill

Gothiness: 6 Sweatiness: 7 (under the collar)
Like a gothy extra from Hamburger Hill, Amy has been taking cover in more ways than one. She tells me that there is nothing better than a tin hat to keep the Daystar out when shadebathing, although I'm worried about her legs. That pastey white complexion won't last if you don't cover up with leather and lace, Gothette!

More Press

The very kind Jennifer Chen at Evil Monito has flattered an old Goth in print - if you'd like a tantalising glimpse of me then click here :) Note my skill for recycling quotes from older interviews

The Impressive Clergyman remains elusive, however - though you can find out about him here

UnHappy Meal

Thanks to Dane Strychnine

Gothiness: 8 Sweatiness: 9
Make no mistake, mortal. These Dark Food Junkies aren't here for the quarterpounder - it's the ribs they want. YOURS! Yes, vanillas, tremble in fear as the proud MiseryGoths feast on your despair. Wisely, they're just in the shadow, away from the harm of the Daystar - but watch that one in the middle, she's got her eye on your chips! Note the futile attempts from other diners to look nonchalant whilst quaking in their flip-flops. Extra points awarded for the overload of makeup and straight-backed corsetry.


I was interviewed recently for LA Weekly, if you'd like to have a read then simply click here!