
Oompa-Loompa Goth

Thanks to Alethea Carr

Gothiness: 7 Jaffa Cake-ness: 8
Alethea writes "My husband was enchanted by my making an appearance on the site, but this heady feeling of love soon turned to envy. As you can see, he has turned his back forever on such mundane pleasures as swimming pools and gardening, preferring the cold comfort of shadow. Together we wallow in unrelenting angst. Actually, he just threatened that if I didn’t sub a picture of him, he’d write poetry at me and put Clan of Xymox on repeat all night." I see your Darker Half still finds time to bathe in carrot juice though, Alethea. Too much time under the rays of the Daystar, clearly.
On another note, this represents the first bespoke modelled shot for GIHW - hooray! more of the same please, chums.


By popular demand, I've moved the highlights video, so here it is - a selection of nearly-rans and not-quite-high-res-enough Goths for your Dark Pleasure...

Where's Normo?

Thanks to Steve Hernandez

Gothiness: 10 Sweatiness: 8
A Friday game for you (albeit a pretty crap one)! Somewhere in this Misery of Goths (I think that's the collective noun, but am prepared to be corrected) stands a terrified Norm! He's been kidnapped and forced to play a macabre version of Where's Waldo - can you find him before his soul gets subsumed by the Dark Side? Can you rescue him before he is forced to watch Rocky Horror and don a basque and suspenders? Will he taste blood and want more, or will you pull him back to his vanilla life and promising career in middle management in time? First to tell me what he's wearing wins no prize at all...

Nobody puts Gothy in a corner!

Thanks to Samantha Blake

Gothiness: 4 Sweatiness: 6
BobyGoth here is clearly not enjoying her time at the Country Club with her folks. What she doesn't know is that Undead Patrick Swayze is just waiting to whisk her off to a secret underground world of Industrialist Grinding and Gothabilly Bumping. Wait till she learns the secret of the 'Stuck in my coffin' move!

p.s. if you don't know how to dance goth, you could a lot worse than follow the step by step education at Lilith Gallery, and especially for anyslyenchanter and Cristina Jiminez (amongst others), I proffer you this piece of Gothy Sexyback from Tank9:

Charidee Bandana

Nothing to do with Goths, this one, but the company I work for has just produced a microsite for Children in Need (UK charity for those of you who don't know). Please visit and buy yourself a Pudsey Bandana - I've got a free copy of the upcoming Goths in Hot Weather book (if the bastard thing ever gets a publisher) for the first of you who can send in a photo of a Pirate Goth wearing one!


stolen from Getty
Goths Join Forces For The Annual Gothic Weekend

Gothiness: 8 Sweatiness: 7
Dear Lord how do I ever watch Lazytown with my daughter again? My mind! My mind is bleeding! Find a happy place, find a happy place, find a happy place...

Around the World in 80 Goths

Thanks to Meghan Gerc

Gothiness: 9 Sweatiness: 8
Eventually our perambulations brought us to a most interesting phonomena; that latest of devices, the photochromatic device, or Camera. My wife, Elpheba, was understandably nervous, having had little experience of the modern day world (being, as it was, raised in New Zealand). I, however, have had much time exploring in both the old and new worlds and was comfortable with the device, indeed I eventually persuaded Elphaba to carry one as a keepsake or portmanteau. The Bashi-Bazouks of Turkland almost delivered me a terrible blow when I attempted to record their dialect on my audio recording device. They seemed to think I wanted to use a certain appendage to make contact on the Marconi telephonic apparatus! All ended happily, though it took some time to translate the word Dictaphone.
