
I deny thee, deckchair!

Gothiness: 4 Sweatiness: 6
Though clearly not yet fully initiated into the coven of Goth, this young lady is going the right away about spending time on the beach. There's a nice welcoming deckchair - does she sit on it? Does she buggery! She even has the good sense to stand on the only rock on the beach rather than risk getting sand in her Vans. Well done, madam.


  1. That chair looks like the icon for Abiword O_o

  2. Love this hilarious picture. The deckchair looks like a work of modern art that cannot be set up correctly or sat on.

  3. I think you've discovered the elusive Humboldt County goth.

  4. she's made the deckchair look not unlike a pentagram. the ultimate Goth-on-a-beach pastime! :)

  5. The deckchair is not deformed. There's a sign in front of the chair which creates a parallel visualisation, tricking people into thinking that the sign is part of the deckchair.


Thanks for your comment Goth lover!