
David HassleGoth

Thanks to Kathrin Hieronimus

Gothiness: 8 Sweatiness: 4
An ordinary poolside scene; children playing, mothers chatting, old men hanging around in the bushes looking out of breath - but hang on, what the Dave Vanian is that? Goth ahoy!


  1. I thought goths were afraid of water! I love your site btw.

  2. I think perhaps you've overestimated the sweatiness a wee bit. I'm guessing there's a 60/40 chance that Goth is female, & since she's not wearing a top, that has to knock off a point or two.

  3. "What the Dave Vanian" made me choke ok soda. 10 points to you.

  4. 1987 - 1988 I was a chunksome sweaty goth. Thank fuck I saw the light...still gotta love the tunes from back then though.
    Totally love the site!

  5. My god, the genius of this site. I had never considered the logistical problems that gothiness presents!

  6. Give them thanks anon - they suffer so we may chortle and feel superior...

  7. A friend sent this to me today...and holy crap do I ever LOVE this site. A HUGE thanks to you! I was a wannabe Goth in the late 80s (high school), but the hair only ever made it to duck yellow. LOL I had a number of friends who were much closer to Gothness than I in 1987, and going to the beach with them was confusing. Boots, leather jackets and the beach! Gah.

  8. Haha!! I actually know where this is. it's in a town in Germany called Bad Berka. I was there last year for the death metal festival Party.San open air. and yes...a lot of guys with long black hair and pale skin. not really goths, but the joke still works... ;)

  9. Lol I'm going to have to start saying 'What the Dave Vanian is that' from now on ;)


Thanks for your comment Goth lover!