
SPF 451

Delilah in the Sun, originally uploaded by cemeterygates.

Gothiness: 7 Sweatiness: 6
Delilah here is taking no risks. If she got even CLOSE to a tan, she'd be thrown out of her coven. But if she wants to stay paler than pale, she's made two fatal mistakes:
1 - cover your hands, suntanned fingers are a dead giveaway.
2 - don't get on a boat and drive into the middle of the Caribbean sea when there's not a cloud in sight.


  1. DJ Consumptiva1 June 2009 at 13:25

    I hope she doesn't think little fingerless gloves will do the trick, either. She'll end up with the Goth equivalent of a farmer's tan...

  2. Best concept for a blog. I have ---ever--- seen. :)

  3. POOR girl. i think it's 'have,' only because the rest was flawless. and can you say 'whatever' now? i hopeso.

  4. hahaha. i can't believe you actually posted a photo of delilah. i posted your blog to my (protected) twitter feed a few weeks ago because i TRULY EXPECTED to find her in there and was disappointed she wasn't. crazy.

  5. I would venture to say
    3 - Don't wear a mesh shirt because there is the possibility of the sun penetrating your skin through that sucker.

  6. She's smiling; that ought to deduct a few gothiness points, no?

  7. Actually, that shirt is made of a material that blocks over 97% of UV light. Seriously.

  8. isn't that noel fielding with fake boobs?
    i forward the motion that this is the boosh member on his stag do

  9. A schoolboy error, Weirdimals. Fielding only holidays amongst the Mod Wolves.

  10. agree- smiling a definite no-no. I love this . . . "dead giveaway"! Of what?? (human ability to tan?!) LOL

  11. *sends this in to*

  12. The fact that someone called me Noel Fielding with fake boobs has completely made my life.

    Also, re: smiling goths
    We're fond of saying that with goth you either get the joke or you ARE the joke. I get the joke. :-p


Thanks for your comment Goth lover!