
The Rime of the Gothy Mariner

Thanks to: Photo Doktor

Gothiness: 10 Sweatiness: 8 (too much neck on display)
At first I thought this might be an ageing Marcel Marceau giving up mime for a Gothlife, but no, this is a Goth debating whether to hire a yacht or not. Not very Goth, you'd think, but he's taking advice from a green and a yellow skull! Look at them reflecting back at him in his glasses, offering up the words of Coleridge: "Day after day, day after day,/ We stuck, nor breath nor motion;/ As idle as a painted goth/ Upon a painted ocean." Now all he needs is an albatross. Or a crow.


  1. Classic, an actual Sisters shirt.

  2. You gotta love Eldergoths. Still gothing out the whiteface like we did in the 80s!

  3. Whiteface. AAARRRGGGHHH. I hate this. Why do people do this. You want to look gothic, not like a clown or a mime. Good job making the rest of us look stupid by association. >:( We have a guy at the club who wears this crap and one day I will dunk him in the fountain and scrub it all off of him!!!

  4. If I'm not mistaken, he's moving in mysterious ways around Whitby, every goth's favourite Victorian seaside resort. I went there by mistake for my first anniversary, but in fairness to the place it was actually quite pleasant. Loads of goths too, which is always a bonus....

  5. .. taking advice from a green and a yellow skull, indeed! Love the Coleridge association. Delectably brilliant. Goodness. "Painted Goth / Painted Ocean": oh so lovely. ;]

    He looks like a young Ozzy Osbourne.
    +5 points for the sunglasses.
    -10 points for cheating on his pastyness.

    Next time, use some sunscreen.

  7. OMFG, he's our driver's ed instructor...


Thanks for your comment Goth lover!